News & Inspiration

Here, WHOLE Inspiration shares with you in the form of visual, auditory and sensual experiences, in other words, images, words, poetry, sounds and meditations. All to make you feel that this is a place to incentivise your creativity, joy and inner peace, and to remind you that you have everything you need within you to create a continued meaningful life.

By sharing personal moments of insight and fascination with you here, it is my hope to perhaps inspire one or two on your path towards greater awareness and trust in your own intuition and inner core. The present is your life.

  • Inner leadership
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  • Emotional wellbeing
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  • Empowerment
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  • Management Consulting
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  • Mental health
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  • Conscious Communication
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  • Stress Management
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  • Re-energizing
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  • Mindfulness
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  • Coaching
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  • Reflection
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  • Balance
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  • Connecting
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  • Time & Space
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  • Yoga Flow
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  • Meditation
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  • Rest
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  • Ayurveda
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    With a unique combination of modern neuroscientific methods and traditional holistic techniques, WHOLE Institute offers a range of services that include coaching, training, workshops, lectures, and customised retreats. The company’s natural location in the heart of Småland offers a safe and inspiring environment for both individuals and companies to achieve long-term health and well-being. Åsa’s commitment to human sustainability and conscious living will not only create positive changes for her clients, but also contribute to a more sustainable and compassionate societal development.”

    The Foundation Nyföretagarcentrum Board & CEO Luljeta Jetullahu, Kronoberg County, SE
14 | 09 | 2024

Deeply moved – Whole Institute wins award

Whole Institute har utsetts till årets nyföretagare i Lessebo Kommun av Stiftelsen Nyföretagarcentrum i Kronobergs län av Luljeta Jetullahu, VD  och rådgivare Lars Lalle Andersson, med utdelning i det vackra och unika Kosta Boda Art Hotel. Stort varmt tack till er och Elisabet Forslund & C:o på Lessebo Kommun, och alla som stöttat och uppmuntrat.

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08 | 08 | 2024

Reminder of life’s important stuff

My own creative way to reflect the reverence for life. What do you do to get your creativity going?

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08 | 08 | 2024

In joy & gratitude

The day has come when my new presence in our virtual world is live. My new website. Yeahhh!!! It has been a process and a lot of in-depth work to get all the pieces in place. I am so indescribably grateful that today I finally got to this point.

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04 | 04 | 2024

Home & belonging

Within us and in different geographical locations on this earth, we are sometimes given the gift of discovering ‘sacred’ places that give us an absolute sense of grounding, deep security, reverence and acceptance.

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