Healing arts
& Coaching

Welcome to WHOLE Healing Arts. We offer you as a private person coaching sessions, courses, day retreats and customised events for special occasions such as bachelorette parties, round birthdays, girl’s meetings or some surprise for the man – only the imagination sets the limits.

We immerse ourselves in holistic wellbeing, WHOLE wellbeing, embodiment, mind-body-soul connection and personal transformation to strengthen us in an often stressful everyday life. WHOLE offers a sanctuary for mind, body and soul so that you as a whole, authentic human being can develop and flourish from the inside out.

Our Services for your sustainable wellbeing

Inner Leadership & Communication
Coaching & Consulting
Stress Management
Yoga & Meditation
  • Self Care
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  • Emotional wellbeing
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  • Empowerment
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  • Embodiment Mind-Body Connection
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  • Somatic Traumatherapy
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  • Conscjous Communication
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  • Stress Management
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  • Relaxation
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  • Mindfulness
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  • Meditation
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  • Nature
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  • Ayurveda
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  • Yoga Therapy
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  • Yoga Nidra
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  • Yoga Flow
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  • Soul Healing
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  • Vocal Mentoring & Singing lessons
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  • Grafic creations
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  • “I found Åsa when I needed her the most. Or the question is whether the universe opened the path to her. I went through a divorce and Åsa was a fundamental reason why I got through it stronger. She helped me dare facing the toughest emotions, she guided and coached me all the way. She helped me identify patterns that I wanted to change, taught me to be curious about the emotions that washed over me – and that they were not literally life threatening. And that it was precisely by facing the feelings that I could grow. She helped me to focus inwards, to stop, to understand why situations had arisen and what they meant to me. Åsa has a particularly amazing ability to understand the essence and unravel all emotions and perspectives. She does it with warmth, true presence and empathy. Without Åsa, I honestly don’t know where I would have been today.”

    Åsa, Project lead & enthused joyous soul


Coaching, Mindfulness & C:o:
Wholehearted & non-judgmental approch focusing on your theme

With the WHOLE sustainable intervention focus consisting of 9 guiding principles, my keywords for a collaboration with you are confidentiality, non-judgmental mindset and empathic approach. The focus of our work together, individually or in groups, can for example be:

  • Emotional wellbeing and self care
  • Compassion and self-compassion
  • Non-judgemental communication
  • Awareness around thoughts and feelings
  • Embodiment, Mind-Body Connection
  • Different Yoga such as flow, hatha, therapy, nidra
  • Relaxation and meditation
  • Grief processing
  • Crisis management
  • Conscious presence or mindfulness
  • Soul care and inner freedom
  • Nature bathing and reflection
  • Somatic trauma therapy
  • Ayurvedic lifestyle guidance
  • Stress management in everyday life
  • Vocal mentoring and singing lessons
  • “You cannot heal what you do not let yourself feel.”

    by Å

  • “Are you mindful, or is your mind full?”

    by Å

  • “The mind creates the abyss – the heart crosses it.”

    Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj


WHOLE Services in detail for private individuals

Discover your inner wisdom & live your true potential. You can find our well thought through offers below. Try an initial session or take the opportunity to book a package for deeper transformation! If you have any questions – do not hesitate in connecting with me!

Payment is made before the booked times via invoice or payment transfer
Change of booked time possible 24 hours before booked time starts
All prices on this page including VAT
Cost binding but not personal






WHOLE sustainable intervention focus with 9 guiding principles

Based on the WHOLE 9 guiding principles, keywords for working together with you are confidentiality, non-judgmental attitude and empathic presence, whatever the focus. Our guiding principles are:

  • Authenticity
  • Quality of service
  • Professionalism
  • Confidentiality
  • Psychological safety
  • Trauma-sensitive approach
  • Compassion
  • Belonging
  • Humor


  • “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

    Viktor Frankl

Free Guide
7 tips for less stress

Get routines that guide, energise and anchor you in the present
and promote inner peace in the midst of everyday life.


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